
Showing 401–416 of 822 results

Showing 401–416 of 822 results

Schorl with Fluorite and Feldspar from Pakistan


A wonderful self standing specimen of amazing aesthetics. It has a great combination making an amazing contrast.

Multi Color Tourmaline Crystal from Afghanistan


This vibrant multi-color tourmaline crystal from Paprok, Afghanistan, features a stunning range of hues and exhibits excellent quality with a slight albite.

Celestine with Calcite from Afghanistan


A wonderful specimen featuring Celestine crystals beautifully grown in cluster form on a yellow Calcite matrix making a great color contrast.

Tourmaline Crystal from Nuristan Afghanistan


The sharpness, color and transparency makes this wonderful crystal of Tourmaline a really stand out one.

Schorl with Quartz and Albite from Pakistan


A wonderful crystal of Schorl beautifully protrudes from the Quartz matrix. The presence of white snowy Albite at the bottom of Schorl makes the contrast really appealing.

Multi Color Tourmaline Crystal from Brazil


A good 5.2 cm long multi-color crystal of Tourmaline of exceptional color surely leaves the viewer in awe with its jaw-dropping beauty.

Feldspar with Quartz and Schorl from Goand Mine Pakistan


A spectacular specimen of Feldspar with a great combination of Schorl and Quartz making a great contrast and appealing visual impression.

Rutile with Aegirine on Matrix from Zagi Pakistan


A great specimen features several crystals of Rutile with Aegirine, beautifully spread on a white snowy matrix, making a great visual contrast.

Celestine with Calcite from Afghanistan


All the crystals are well terminated and offer good color contrast. The overall crystal quality and aesthetics are pleasing on each piece.

Quartz with Tourmaline from Chhappu Pakistan


The luster and termination of the crystal are very good and the aesthetic of the Tourmaline crystals all over Quartz is very appealing.

Pink Rose Quartz on Matrix from Kunar Afghanistan


It is pristine all around. It has incredible and superb aesthetics with high-quality Rose Quartz flowers on Feldspar.

Demantoid Garnet on Matrix


It has an amazing green color, which is very vibrant in person, and the crystal is perfectly terminated all around.

Tourmaline crystal from Kunar Afghanistan


The crystal is gemmy, lustrous, and super shiny. The overall aesthetics are very pleasing on this piece.

Brucite on Matrix from Pakistan


It has bright yellow color which is an amazing feature of Brucite from this famous locale.

Emerald included Quartz from Afghanistan


It has great luster and nice shape. Overall its a very lovely cabinet size mineral of good quality.

Hematite cluster on Matrix from Shigar Pakistan


All the crystals are in good condition and without any damage. A very fine matrix piece of exceptional quality and nice aesthetics!