
Showing 769–784 of 1072 results

Showing 769–784 of 1072 results

Aquamarine Crystal from Shigar Valley Pakistan

It has incredible luster and amazing clarity with stupendous colour. The crystal is super gemmy, and it is like a diamond and completely fine all around.

Aquamarine with Mica and Albite from Shigar Pakistan

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It’s an especially fetching exemplar from this rich and famous region that shows exceptional beauty.

Elbaite Tourmaline from Minas Gerais Brazil

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Its one of the most aesthetic piece came out of this find when it comes to quality, aesthetics, colour and perfection!

Supernova Aquamarine with Schorl and Albite from Pakistan

The visual impact of this piece is breathtaking. It’s truly a masterpiece of great quality and sculpturesque attraction.

Aquamarine with Pink Apatite and Muscovite from Pakistan

A fabulous composition that offers well balanced aesthetics and high quality minerals alike.

Epidote Cluster from Tormiq Valley Pakistan

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A sparkling cluster of marvelous quality with excellent luster. Definitely outstanding and of a unique, distinctly 3-dimensional character.

Phantom Brookite on Faden Quartz from Baluchistan Pakistan

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It is completely fine all around without any damage at all. The Phantom of the crystal is exceptional, allowing for a stunning play of light and reflections.

Tourmaline with Lepidolite from Paprok Afghanistan

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Upon closer inspection, one will be further impressed by its sharp crystallization and slightly peaked termination.

Aquamarine Crystal from Shigar Pakistan

It has incredible luster and amazing clarity with stupendous colour. The crystal is doubly terminated and super gemmy.

Floater Gwindel Quartz from India


Its glassy and gemmy cluster tower formations shows really attractive display with superb quality and great aesthetics.

Tourmaline on Matrix from Nuristan Afghanistan


The Tourmaline crystal has a beautiful wet luster, amazing gem-quality and sharp parallel striations which makes this piece truly an eminent one.

Green Cap Tourmaline with Calcite from Stak Nala Pakistan


It has really incredible shape and has intense green color under lights. Overall a really beautiful piece in person of nice quality and great contrast.

Etched Aquamarine Crystal on Matrix from Shigar Pakistan

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The overall crystal condition is absolutely fine with stunning display. Certainly a really lovely piece in person.

Vayrynenite Crystal from Pakistan


A wonderful crystal of Vayrynenite from Shengus, Pakistan. It has a good size and a very impressive color. 

Celestine Cluster with Calcite from Afghanistan


The combination of color, luster, and form is not only aesthetic but also outstanding. The piece is nearly complete, exhibiting a great aesthetic shape.

Etched Spessartine Garnet with Petroleum Quartz from Pakistan


It’s an amazing specimen of great combination. The piece is truly outstanding. A superb combination, beautiful all around.