
Showing 1–16 of 61 results

Showing 1–16 of 61 results

Tourmaline from Paprok Afghanistan

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The crystal is gemmy, lustrous, and super shiny. The overall aesthetics are very pleasing in this piece.

Beryl var. Red Beryl from Utah USA

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This is a lustrous piece with stunning shape and an automatic choice for any great collection of Beryl.

Fluorite with Barite from USA

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This particular Fluorite specimen has a lovely shape and great color with amazing text book texture.

Tourmaline from Kunar Afghanistan

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Overall aesthetics are very pleasing on this piece. Certainly a very lovely Tourmaline specimen offering great quality and super aesthetics.

Mango Quartz Cluster from Colombia

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It’s truly a magnificent piece with beautiful flower shape formation of best quality Mango Quartz!

Barite on Matrix from Morocco

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A stunning display of sharp blades adorned with sky-blue crystals elegantly perched on a textured matrix.

Emerald On Matrix from Panjsher Afghanistan

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This is the highest quality Emerald cluster we have seen from this region in long time.

Anatase with Brookite and Quartz from Pakistan

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It has a rich luster and really nice shape. Overall crystal condition is absolutely fine.

Purple Apatite with Quartz from Afghanistan

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This beautiful specimen features a really lovely crystal of purple Apatite beautifully perched in Quartz matrix.

Emerald included Quartz from Afghanistan

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It has a nice luster and shape. Overall crystal condition is fine.

Anatase with Quartz from Baluchistan Pakistan

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It has an amazing shape and nice contrast. The luster and aesthetics are truly amazing.

Tourmaline Cluster from Paprok Afghanistan

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The three elongated crystals are fused together, each with a beautifully pointed termination. The middle crystal features a lovely, well-terminated baby crystal on the side.

Schorl with Floater Quartz and Spessartine from Pakistan

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It has fabulous shape and nice display. The overall aesthetics on this piece is really amazing.

DT Aquamarine Cluster with Quartz from Pakistan

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The Aquamarine cluster shows a charming, intensive blue color and is gemmy. Especially towards the terminations with very aesthetic Smoky Quartz spray all around!

Emerald on Matrix from Colombia

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This gorgeous, glassy Emerald crystal is actually quite rare. The crystal is sharp and has a rich green color saturation.

Ruby on Matrix from Pakistan

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It is 3.1 cm long and making a great colour contrast on white matrix.