
Showing 1–20 of 23 results

Showing 1–20 of 23 results

Pink Topaz on Matrix from Katlang Pakistan

This particular specimen is one of the finest we have seen, especially how beautifully it sits on matrix with great perfection.

Tourmaline from Paprok Afghanistan

The piece is absolutely gorgeous and perfect all around without any damage or repair at all.

Tourmaline on Matrix from Laghman Afghanistan

This amazing combination of minerals provides a dazzling display, with shades ranging from sea foam to pinkish.

Tourmaline Cluster from Paprok Afghanistan

The three elongated crystals are fused together, each with a beautifully pointed termination. The middle crystal features a lovely, well-terminated baby crystal on the side.

Aquamarine with Feldspar from Pakistan

There are many great Aquamarine specimens around the world but something like this, with such incredible elegance and magnificent aesthetics are quite hard to be found.

Tourmaline with Quartz and Cleavelandite from Afghanistan

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One single Tourmaline, 12 cm long protrudes from a very aesthetic cleavelandite with tourmaline cluster all over it making a nice contrast.

Aquamarine Crystal from Shigar Valley Pakistan

This 9 cm long Aquamarine shows nice water-blue colour, brilliant luster and an elegant beveled termination.

Elbaite Tourmaline from Minas Gerais Brazil

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Its one of the most aesthetic piece came out of this find when it comes to quality, aesthetics, colour and perfection!

Epidote Cluster from Tormiq Valley Pakistan

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A sparkling cluster of marvelous quality with excellent luster. Definitely outstanding and of a unique, distinctly 3-dimensional character.

Aquamarine with Pink Apatite and Muscovite from Pakistan

A fabulous composition that offers well balanced aesthetics and high quality minerals alike.

Aquamarine with Quartz and Albite from Shigar Pakistan

It is truly insane and the quality speaks of itself. The clarity and luster is the best we have seen, it shines like a diamond.

Aquamarine Cluster on Matrix from Shigar Pakistan

What I really like about this specimen is that the Aquamarine crystals are extremely beautifully grown in cluster form on a stunning matrix making an amazing contrast.

Swiss Gwindel Quartz from Switzerland

The crystal is complete, perfectly transparent and formed in a highly aesthetic arrangement with magnificent clarity.

Shattuckite with Quartz from Arizona USA

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The Shattuckite in this specimen has a stunningly bright, royal-blue coloration that is the pinnacle of color for this species.

Etched Floater Morganite Crystal from Minas Gerais Brazil

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It’s a characteristic and very attractive specimen for a great collection! The superb aesthetic shape, quality and aesthetics make it a truly remarkable specimen.

Rhodochrosite from South Africa

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The specimen exhibits well-formed crystals With pretty combo shape is sure to elevate any collection with its sensational colors, shape and luster.

Tourmaline with Lepidolite and Albite from Paprok Afghanistan

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It is one of the finest piece with such an incredible color contrast and perfectly fine all around without any damage at all.

Morganite on Cleavelandite from Kunar Afghanistan

A Stupendous and perfectly terminated gemmy peach colour, fully transparent crystal of morganite sits on a beautiful cleavelandite accompanied by a beautiful tourmaline touch.

Ajoite-Quartz with Hematite Inclusion from South Africa

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This is a superb example of Ajoite included Quartz from South Africa! Turquoise blue patches of plumose inclusions of fine Ajoite finest size crystal.

Lollipop Tourmaline with Lepidolite from Brazil

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The termination is sharp, pointed and flawless with amazing clarity and colour. Overall this is a formidable specimen of highest class specimen.