
Showing 1–16 of 91 results

Showing 1–16 of 91 results

Tourmaline with Quartz and Albite from Afghanistan

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An exceptional cranberry-pink Tourmaline with Quartz and Albite, with superb luster, magnificent termination, and flawless aesthetics, making it one of the finest specimens from the find.

Hematite Crystal with Albite from Tormiq Pakistan

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Hematite crystal with amazing texture and nice well terminated shape. The crystal has an amazing texture overall, a very appealing display.

Tantalite-(Fe) with Albite from Pakistan

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This is an impressive Tantalite-(Fe) with wonderful shape. The crystal is beautifully paired with Albite making a strong contrast.

Imperial Topaz Crystal from Pakistan

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A really wonderful crystal of Imperial Topaz. The crystal shows brilliant color, luster and amazing shape.

Diaspore Crystal from Turkey

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A wonderful crystal of Diaspore with good size, great luster and amazing gemmy surface.

Anatase with Albite on Matrix from Pakistan

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This impressive Anatase crystal measures 2.6 cm in length and is set on a matrix. It features a captivating blue sheen that enhances its overall visual appeal.

Herderite with Childrenite on Albite from Pakistan

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This specimen features a rare com Herderite with Childrenite on Albite. It is flawless in every aspect, and its beauty is sure to captivate collectors and enthusiasts of rare minerals.

Grandidierite on Matrix from Madagascar

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It is extremely rare to find a good Grandidierite of such quality on matrix and certainly it’s a very good one. It came from an old collection.

Rhodochrosite with Quartz from Sweet Home Mine USA

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It is the dream of every collector to get a really good Rhodochrosite from Sweet Home Mine, USA. This is a Luscious hot pink-red Rhodochrosite Crystal with glance of Quartz making great color contrast.

Hematite Crystal from Tormiq Pakistan

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An exceptional Hematite crystal with magnificent luster and well all-around formations. It is perfectly fine all around with no flaws.

Beryl Var. Emerald with Calcite from Colombia

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The color of this amazing Colombian Emerald magnificently contrasts with the white matrix of crystallized Calcite, Creating a breathtaking visual.

Diaspore Crystal from Turkey

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A very exceptional crystal of Diaspore from Turkey. It has an amazing needle-like sharp termination at the top.

Rutile with Riebeckite Inclusion Quartz and Aegerine

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This is a significant and highly displayable crystal of perfectly terminated Rutile that aesthetically sits on a matrix with beautiful Riebeckite Quartz and Aegerine.

Feldspar with Quartz and Schorl

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A truly magnificent specimen featuring Feldspar with Schorl and Quartz making a great contrast.

Etched Floater Kunzite From Afghanistan

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A magnificent floater Kunzite of brilliant color. The color is striking and intense pink that gleams from the crystal’s limpid core

Morganite with Smoky Quartz and Tourmaline

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An amazing specimen featuring a single Morganite Crystal nested on beautiful snowy white Cleavelandite and Smoky Quartz crystals.