
Showing 961–976 of 1044 results

Showing 961–976 of 1044 results

Aquamarine with Pink Apatite from Shigar Pakistan

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This is a classic example of gem-quality Aquamarine from Shigar Valley, an area known worldwide for its gem quality Aquamarines.

Green Tourmaline Cluster with Quartz from Shigar Pakistan


It has an amazing color contrast and shape. It’s an amazing specimen of strong color and striking contrast.

Pink Apatite with Muscovite from Nagar Pakistan


The Apatite has a remarkable colour which is difficult to find in such deep colour and superb shape.

Morganite with Quartz from Paprok Afghanistan


The Morganite is gemmy and having nice peach color. The supporting Quartz is also in best condition.

Fluorite on Matrix from Pakistan


The size is truly magnificent with beautifully contrast matrix. It is really astonishing piece of nice aesthetics.

Fluorite with Muscovite on Matrix from Nagar Pakistan


It has incredible luster, color and beautiful composition. Overall a really nice aesthetic specimen.

Aquamarine with Spessartine Garnet from Pakistan


It has really nice bluish color and great contrast. The colour is more vibrant in person.

Bi Colour Tourmaline on Quartz from Brazil

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The Tourmaline is absolutely pristine – gemmy, lustrous, and of fine flawless Bi-Color, with a transparent, greenish zone in the middle.

Aquamarine Crystal from Skardu Pakistan


It has overall really nice aesthetics. The termination, color and overall luster is really good on this piece.

Multi Colour Tourmaline Crystal from Paprok Afghanistan

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The overall condition is very good and just very tiny edgewear. It is really good in person and showing bright open colors.

Spessartine Garnet with Quartz on Matrix from Skardu Pakistan


The crystals are really well accompanied by Quartz and Mica which really enhances the overall quality of the specimen.

Rutile with Hematite from Zagi Pakistan


The Hematite on this piece is of the best quality you can look for and first time we have seen such combinations.

Spessartine Garnet on Matrix from Skardu Pakistan


It has an incredible shape and amazing colour contrast. A really nice piece in person.

Bi Color Tourmaline with Quartz from Afghanistan

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The composition of this specimen features a lovely Quartz grown in flower form on Quartz with a lovely Bi Color Tourmaline.

Etched Aquamarine with Apatite from Shigar Pakistan


This specimen features an etched Aquamarine of nice aesthetics with a tiny apatite on top. It has an incredible weird shape and overall appearance is really impressive.