Double Terminated Floater Kunzite from Afghanistan

Double Terminated Floater Kunzite from Afghanistan

The piece is inch perfect with zero damage with its deep hue and strong crystal structure, this double terminated remarkable piece will add unparalleled beauty to any collection.

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242.40 g


9 × 7.7 × 1.8 cm


Large Cabinet




Mawi Pegmatite , Nuristan Province , Afghanistan

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Double Terminated Floater Kunzite from Afghanistan

Kunzite is of the pink Spodumene variety. It’s a gemstone that has a pink to violet color, and sometimes it’s even colorless.

It’s a transparent and high luster stone. Kunzite gets its beautiful lilac-pink colors from the presence of Manganese in the stone.

It’s a gemstone that’s loved for its color and clarity.

This is sparkling beauty of doubly terminated pinkish Kunzite from Dara-i-Pech, Kunar Province, Afghanistan.

Its unique pale pink and purple hues, radiates love, joy and self-expression.

It has wonderful architecture along with beautiful clarity and luster highlighting beautiful different colours.

The growth striations add to the beauty of the crystal.

The colour on this crystal is deeper than nearly any other.

The termination, colour and everything is unbelievable with superb aesthetic shape and having well display for collections.

The piece is inch perfect with zero damage with its deep hue and strong crystal structure, this double terminated remarkable piece will add unparalleled beauty to any collection.

Double Terminated Floater Kunzite from Afghanistan Specifications

Floater Kunzite

Cabinet Large Mineral:
LWD: 9 x 7.7 x 1.8 cm

Weight: 242.40 grams

Quality: Excellent

Mawi Pegmatite, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan.


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