
Showing 25–48 of 317 results

Showing 25–48 of 317 results

Green Demantoid Garnet on Matrix


It is one of the best piece for any personal collection as it is a treasure for any Garnets lovers.

Blue Brucite on Matrix from Pakistan


The colour is incredibly bright blue with great luster. This particular piece is one of the finest Matrix specimen of Blue Brucite on matrix.

Fluorite with Topaz and Tourmaline on Albite


The Tourmaline crystal is surrounded by nicely terminated Smoky Quartz and beautiful deep colour Fluorite and amazing white Albite.

Smoky Quartz with Spessartine and Muscovite on Albite


A great display piece with unique growth of Smokey Quartz on Spessartine, having great aesthetics, fine colour contrast and superb overall combination.

Schorl with Apatite and Spessartine on Cleavelandite and Quartz


A 5.7 cm Schorl crystal is surrounded by a beautiful Orange Spessartine Garnet and Apatite with well crystallized snow white Cleavelandite with three perfect crystal of Quartz shooting in 3 different directions.

Tourmaline with Lepidolite from Paprok Afghanistan


The beauty and color of this crystal is among the finest we have seen, and its aesthetics certainly speaks for itself.

Tourmaline from Paprok Afghanistan

The piece is absolutely gorgeous and perfect all around without any damage or repair at all.

Smoky Quartz from Shigar Pakistan


It is one of the best quality Smoky Quartz we have seen from Pakistan. Certainly a really amazing piece from the front.

Wulfenite on Matrix from Mexico


The crystals are very gemmy and sharp, with remarkable shape and great luster. It has intense color, semi gloss surface and perfectly sharp termination.

Aquamarine on Albite from Nyt Bruk Mine Pakistan


It is truly magnificent piece, and what makes this piece more prominent and interesting is the fact that it is much identical to another piece from the same pocket.

Aquamarine on Albite from Nyt Bruk Mine Pakistan


What makes this piece more prominent and interesting is that it is identical to another piece from the same pocket.

Rutile Quartz on Matrix from Pakistan


It’s pristine all around. Certainly a very lovely piece of great quality and nice aesthetics.

Topaz with Schorl Tourmaline from Pakistan


The Topaz main crystal is in great condition. Overall display is really awesome.

Fluorite with Albite from Pakistan


The uniqueness about these new find Fluorites is that they have tremendous luster with great gemminess and there are no cracks on the crystals.

Emerald cluster on Quartz from Afghanistan


It has a beautiful shape and nice color contrast. The overall aesthetics are really pleasing on this piece.

Topaz with Quartz on Matrix from Pakistan


The Topaz crystal is gemmy, lustrous and showing the typical cognac color. It shows an intriguing habit and brilliant luster on all sides.

Tourmaline on Matrix from Laghman Afghanistan

This amazing combination of minerals provides a dazzling display, with shades ranging from sea foam to pinkish.

Anatase with Quartz Cluster from Pakistan


It has fabulous luster and well terminated crystals formation. Overall aesthetics on this piece is really pleasing.

Axinite Cluster from Baluchistan Pakistan


It has a really amazing needle formed crystals and lovely formation. The overall crystal condition is absolutely fine.

Anatase Crystal with Quartz from Pakistan


It has a really nice shape and great contrast. Overall a really lovey piece in person.

Riebeckite included Blue Quartz from Pakistan


It has amazing Blue colour which gives a very nice characteristic to it. Overall a really interesting piece of good quality and nice aesthetics.

Topaz Crystal from Shigar Pakistan


The crystal is gemmy, lustrous and showing the typical cognac color. It shows an intriguing habit and brilliant luster on all sides.

Emerald included Quartz from Afghanistan


It has great luster and nice shape. Overall its a very lovely cabinet size mineral of good quality.

Celestine with Calcite from Afghanistan


It shows the deepest color saturation, amazing color, very good luster, and an incredible termination.